Monday, May 14, 2012

The Value Of Connectors

Good morning!

How did your weekend go?  It was a very rainy one in Lagos, what was it like in your own part of the world and how did the weather affect living your dream?

On the last post we looked at expanding our client base where we outlined a list of things we could do to increase our customer base.  Hope the tips worked for you.  As one of the things I said we could do to expand our customer base, I remember that I spoke about using word of mouth as a cost effective way to advertise.

Today, I will like to expand further on a particular kind of person that we all must identify if we want to effectively take advantage of word of mouth advertisement.  This kind of person is referred to as a Connector.

Connectors, irrespective of what field of endeavor they are in, are people who have a knack for knowing people.  They genuinely love people and take great pleasure in introducing people to people.  A Connector believes in people, is bold, quick and open to learning, which makes her versatile in different fields. She is very appreciative of others and their gifts and most of all takes joy in introducing people to people.

What you gain by identifying your own Connector and approaching them to help expand your customer base is that, you gain access into your Connectors huge list of people.  I personally have, as Connectors right now, two people: Coach Anna McCoy whom you all know by now and my friend and Sister, Audrey Joe-Ezigbo.

Audrey, since I met her, has taken it upon herself to intentionally look for ways to expand the reach of Effectual Magazine and other things that I do.  She takes great pleasure in introducing me and the magazine to people she knows will appreciate it and probably take out a subscription for them.

I want to use the opportunity of this post therefore, to celebrate Audrey for her contributions in moving my dream forward.  Sista, you have been an absolute joy to me and a great enhancer of what I do.  May God bless you, and may He raise connectors for you and ensure you succeed in all you do.

Now what is your part in your relationship with your Connector? First and foremost, when they introduce you to someone, you must follow up on the individual, you also should give feedback to them as the new relationship progresses.  Ensure that you don't abuse the relationship they have linked you to and definitely never try to take their place in those relationships.

Give credit when the introduction is converted into something that has blessed your dream and always remember that your Connector does not owe you anything.

Again, Audrey, thank you for all that you do to bring value to me and my dream, you are loved and appreciated!

  Till next week, remember that a dream is nothing except you are awake taking action.  It's time to whip out your list and take time out to identify who within the list is your Connector. 

With each step you take your dream gets better and you will make it NeverTheLess.


Sistar B

                                                           click here for audio blog

A special shout out to Irene Olumese of Touching Lives 4 Good for celebrating me on her blog today. Thanks Irene. You are loved and appreciated.
Please click here to visit Irene's blog.



  1. Now I understand what you meant about the blog being timely. Reading your post today confirmed my thoughts about you. I appreciate and value you for being my connector and for all you are doing to move my dream forward. Irene

  2. Wow, I never thought of it this way before. :) Congrats on being blitzed today too!

  3. @Irene, thanks again! You actually started some so grand that the ripple effect is just astounding! @ Miriam, thanks for coming over here, glad you found something useful and yes, the blitz was such an HONOUR. Angela and Becca @the bookshelf muse really heard divinely on this one. Thanks ladies, may the ink never run dry from our pens. Blessings!
