Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I was speaking to someone yesterday and I asked her “How will you describe my life?” “Complicated”, she replied.  She went on to explain that she was sure it didn’t all start like that.  What she described as complicated is about all the multiple roles I have to fill on a daily basis and somehow, God helps me to get through them.  So, even though my life can seem complicated, I will not trade it for anything else.

The thing is there was a time that my life was so predictable that it didn’t seem there was anything that I could contribute.  I heard it said to me that I was a failure even before I had a chance to start and it was for reasons like that, that I didn’t think that I had a chance.  

Then the table turned, everything I didn’t even think I was capable of dreaming about began to unravel and things began to change.  It is for this reason that this blog NEVERTHELESS is born.  So many of us were incapable of dreaming for a great part of our lives and we didn’t think we had something to contribute.

Then the tables turned for you too.  The question is what happened to me? How did the table turn? Jesus found me, one rainy Saturday morning, I woke up and I knew that my day had come.  I couldn’t quite explain to anyone the details of that day ahead but I just knew that it was my day. 

And now sixteen years later my life is complicated.  Which means my life is full, I have a husband who I love and I know loves me too, and three adorable children. Even though I know I didn’t even deserve these, I am actually at a place where I can make a contribution for change.

Twenty years ago, I didn’t look like this, and probably didn’t even send off any vibes indicative of a future with meaning but it was because I was a diamond in the rough.  Today maybe you are at the exact spot I was in life twenty years ago, and a lot of people have said you carry nothing to be celebrated. I want to let you know that it is because you are still a diamond in the rough.  

No precious stone looks like the finished product but with time and plenty of fire and purifying it begins to look exactly like it was meant to be.  Nevertheless is the word that changes everything.  So you may look like a lump of clay right now and all kinds of struggles may be the hallmark of your life, Nevertheless you are still a diamond even though still in the rough.  So kick up some more dirt, stand straight, square your shoulders and keep your chin up!  Because I know you are a diamond, only still filled with dirt.

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