Monday, November 19, 2012

Your Dream, Your DNA

Another week, another step towards actualizing your dreams and visions!  Welcome and May God bless you!  

Recently, I have been thinking about what makes my dream unique and different from all other similar dreams, and the only answer I could find was that the unique element of what I do is… ME!  Yes, me.  I am the difference maker in how my dream and vision is pursued and lived to make impact.

This brings me to our next review question for 2012, which is; 

‘How have I limited myself this year, and what will I do to correct that?’  

 One of the hardest things to do and learn in growing and running a dream is how to conduct and run as ‘you’.  At least for me in 2012, there were times I struggled with doing stuff just the way I knew to do them and they flowed from me naturally.

While, this is a strength, sometimes I wonder whether ‘me’ is good enough.  Isn’t there a way better than the way I am doing it? I wondered.  It took a while but I recognized that even though there are alternative ways to run, the best way for me to run is to be me!

People may have told you how what you are doing isn’t going to work because it is not the way that it is done… and while they may be correct, is it possible that that is not the only way it can be done?  

The point of today’s post is to point us to the folly of having run this year doing our best with our dreams while trying to be other people.  You received the inspiration to dream and you have labored to put it all together, why do you have to present it like all others have done?

What is wrong with showing up with your dream and it is all you?  How can you say a dream is yours if you cannot bring yourself to bear on it?  Why agree to put your values and principles on the back burner just because you want to make what you are doing appealing to everyone?  No sir!  You cannot do that, because no matter how hard you try, you are not and cannot be called to everyone.  Those who will flow with you will do so not because of the very correct or perfect way you have presented the dream to them. They go with you, because you - the unique you - appeals to them.  If who you are will not be required, God would have made you a clone of all those people you are trying to be.  

So, while we may have wasted precious time and opportunities in 2012 trying to do it like all the others, it is time to look ahead into 2013 and determine that you will present the unique ‘you’, that part of you that nobody else can be. 

I guess what I am saying is give your business or dream the SOUL it deserves, give it your signature… ensure that everything you do in 2013 has your DNA all over it.  because in the end, it is your DNA that makes you different from the over 6 billion people on the face of the earth… and that is a good thing.  So enjoy being YOU.

Irrespective of what anyone says to you initially, I can assure you that ‘you’ will grow on them.  If you remain in the game long enough as ‘you’, they will get used to you and you will be amazed at how they take to you.  Make 2013 the year you determine to be you and nobody else because that is how you will make it, NeverTheLess.

You are loved.



  1. My dear sister, thank you for reminding me, that there's no-one as good at being me as me. We come in all different flavours because God is creative and every flavour is needed in His awesome plan. Every one of us is fearfully, wonderfully and creatively made by God to excel. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the encouragement.

    Be blessed babes.

  2. Yes, we all come in different flavours because each is required. It is a big picture thing and the most successful person we can be is us anyway. Why not take the liberty and add our stroke to God's master painting? Please continue being you, you are good at being you and need not apologise for being God's original. You are loved and appreciated!

  3. Twice in one day, I am reminded to be unique as ME! That is certainly not a chance event. I have a unique only-me-can-do God assigned purpose to fulfill. That is the message for me and for us as we prepare for 2013. Can't miss that and can't apologise for it. Thanks for this reminder. God bless you richly.

    1. Yes Irene, 2013 we come to legibly imprint our signature on every mandate. It will not be heard that we went through the year and left nothing behind to make it better. There is nothing to apologise for because the world is waiting for us to manifest. I will be the best me, and generations will feel my impact. Thanks for stopping by Sis, you are loved and appreciated!
